Scoots and Soul®
Warner Three Quarter Lambretta Race Seat
Aged Vintage Leather Top
Tan Basket Weave Sides
Brown Heavy Duty Cotton
Triple Stitch Design
Firm British Handmade Foam
Vintage Leather Warner 3/4 Lambretta Seat
Three Quarter Lambretta Race Seat
Fits in 1st and 3rd Set of Holes in Loop
Fits Around Rear Grill / Badge Holder
Lambretta Race Seat for Series 1, 2 & 3 (GP)
Fiberglass Base - Bolt down
Nuts and Washers Provided
Compatible with some Non Standard Tanks
Not For Scooters With Traditional Air Scoop
Seats are Fitted with Waterproof Membrane
Due To Manufacturing Process We Cannot Guarantee 100% Waterproofing